In the period from 7 -13, March 2022, CSI Centrifuge was present at the Think Twice training course realized by the organization Big Brothers Big Sisters of Bulgaria in Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
The main goal of this project was to increase digital media literacy of young people and make them more resistant to misinformation in the digital environment. The project itself involved 10 organizations from the Balkans: Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania, Serbia, Turkey, The Republic of North Macedonia, Greece, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Albania.
Specifically, the objectives of the project were:
– developing digital media skills of young people;
– encouraging young people to think critically about the digital content they create and consume online and
– promoting digital media literacy as a tool for combating misinformation and human rights violations.
In addition to youth workers, journalists, students of communication and media, bloggers and vloggers, human rights activists and volunteers in youth organizations also took part in activities to promote digital and media literacy at the local and national level.
One of our three participants in this training course was Kristijan (21), a student from Novi Sad, whom youth activism and youth work led to Centrifuge in the first place.
We asked Kristijan to share with us his impressions about this training:
“The training in Plovdiv was very special considering the location and the countries that participated. Almost all the participants were from the Balkans, so we had a lot in common, and we spoke the same language with most of them. We learned about the media and social networks, as well as how they can be abused against us, that is, how to protect ourselves and prevent that from happening. Also, a lot of attention was paid to methods of recognizing false information on the Internet and practical advice on how to know what sources we can trust. I personally returned home with a much greater knowledge of journalism, cyber protection and a greater resilience to navigate the online space. “
Finally, the project yielded dozens of interesting forms of journalism, and our team chose to record a horror-style report about a haunted hotel.
You can watch the video at this link –
And don’t forget to Think Twice about it. 😊